Publications récentes
Lahellec Gabriel, Vermard Youen, Le Pape Olivier (2025). Mapping essential juvenile habitats of exploited marine fish: Complementary insights from a scientific survey-based model, fishers’ knowledge and fisheries-dependent data. Fisheries Research, 2025, 281, pp.107217. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107217⟩
Beauverger Thibaut, Druet Morgan, Bazin Alan, Acou Anthony, Cormy Gaetan, Coudreuse Julie, Desroy Nicolas, Feunteun Éric, Gorzerino Caroline, Lanoë Elven, Le Berre Thomas, Le Bris Hervé, Martignac François, Petit Eric J., Piscart Christophe, Teichert Nils, Tremblay Julien, Marchand Frederic, Boulenger Clarisse (2024). Observatoire des biocénoses aquatiques de la Sélune - rapport d'activités 2023. INRAE. 2024
Outrequin Thomas, Laffargue Pascal, Grall Jacques, Le Bris Hervé (2024). Mesoscale organization and trophic functioning of the benthic shelf ecosystem in the Bay of Biscay. International Symposium on the Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY 18), Jun 2024, La Rochelle (France), France
Lecuyer Romain, Brind'Amour Anik, Barille Anne-Laure, Chouquet Bastien, Le Bris Hervé (2024). Thriving life beneath: Biodiversity and functioning of macrobenthic communities within two human-shaped European estuaries. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 2024, 202, 102545 (15 p.). ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2024.102545⟩
Bez Nicolas, Gloaguen Pierre, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Lanco Sophie, Rivot Etienne, Walker Emily, Woillez Mathieu, Mahévas Stéphanie (2024). Proper account of auto-correlations improves decoding performances of state-space (semi) Markov models. 2024
Pérez Agúndez José, Bandarra Narcisa M., Callier Myriam, Chapela Rosa, Costa Fiz, Delorme Anaël, Eguiraun Harkaitz, Fernández Rosa, Filgueira Ramón, Gamito Sofia, Kourantidou Melina, Martinez-Lopez Iciar, O'Beirn Francis, Ojaveer Henn, Oliveira Rui, Pernet Fabrice, Pousão-Ferreira Pedro, Ramos Jorge, Ribeiro Laura, Pérez Montse, Sadoul Bastien, Villasante Sebastián (2024). Workshop on the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion Aquaculture Overview (WKBoBICAO). Workshop on the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregion Aquaculture Overview (WKBoBICAO), ICES Scientifics Reports , 6 (31), ICES Scientific Reports, 2024, ⟨10.17895/⟩
Jaeger Christophe, Bouchemousse Sarah, Mathonnet Iroise, Jacquemin Bertrand, Michel Rémy, Béguin Ronan, Sadoul Bastien, Le Bris Hervé, Aubin Joël (2024). Environmental monitoring methods of interactions between IMTA compartments in open sea: on-site assessment. 8èmes Journées de la Recherche Filière Piscicole, ITAVI, Jul 2024, Rennes, France
Alglave Baptiste, Olmos Maxime, Casemajor Juliette, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Rivot Etienne, Woillez Mathieu, Vermard Youen (2024). Investigating fish reproduction phenology and essential habitats by identifying the main spatio-temporal patterns of fish distribution. ICES Journal of Marine Science, In press, ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsae099⟩
de Luzinais Vianney, Gascuel Didier, Reygondeau Gabriel, Cheung William (2024). Large potential impacts of marine heatwaves on ecosystem functioning. Global Change Biology, 2024, 30 (7), pp.e17437. ⟨10.1111/gcb.17437⟩
David Frank, Raymond Grégory, Grys Julien, Ameziane Nadia, Sadoul Bastien (2024). Survival, Growth, and Food Resources of Juvenile Sea Cucumbers Holothuria forskali (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) in Co-Culture with Shellfish in Brittany (France). Aquaculture Nutrition, 2024, 2024, pp.1-16. ⟨10.1155/2024/7098440⟩
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