Batista Marisa, Erzini Karim, Horta E Costa Bárbara, Claudet Joachim, Le Pape Olivier (2025). Conservation of marine fish. Henrique Cabral; Jérémy Lobry; Mario Lepage; Olivier Le Pape. Ecology of Marine Fish, Academic Press, pp.373-389, 2025, 978-0-323-99036-3. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-323-99036-3.00006-4⟩
Lahellec Gabriel, Vermard Youen, Le Pape Olivier (2025). Mapping essential juvenile habitats of exploited marine fish: Complementary insights from a scientific survey-based model, fishers’ knowledge and fisheries-dependent data. Fisheries Research, 2025, 281, pp.107217. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107217⟩
Quenum Crespin Luc, El Vally Yeslem, Tapé Joanny, Guitton Jérôme, Ekuban Ebenezer Francis, Kouakou N’goran David, Le Pape Olivier (2024). Identification of critical essential habitat for demersal fish in the Gulf of Guinea. Aquatic Living Resources, 2024, 37 (7), 15 p. ⟨10.1051/alr/2024005⟩
Solsona N, Sturbois A, Desroy N, Ponsero A, Schaal Gauthier, Le Pape Olivier (2024). How trophic impasses structure coastal food webs? Insights from ECOPATH modelling. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2024, 299, pp.108691. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108691⟩
Champagnat J., Rivot E., Le Pape O. (2024). The response of marine fish population productivity to juvenile habitat modifications depends upon life histories. Fish and Fisheries, 2024, 25 (3), pp.508-522. ⟨10.1111/faf.12821⟩
Champagnat Juliette, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2023). Estimer l'importance des habitats halieutiques essentiels pour le renouvellement des populations marines exploitées. Institut Agro Rennes-Angers. 2023, pp.37
Gernez Maël, Champagnat Juliette, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2023). Potential impacts of the restoration of coastal and estuarine nurseries on the stock dynamics of fisheries species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, In press, ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108557⟩
Vally Yeslem, Quenum Crespin, Thiaw Modou, Guitton Jérôme, Meissa Beyah, Le Pape Olivier (2023). Quantitative mapping of effective habitats for the White grouper Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy Saint–Hilaire, 1817) in North West Africa. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2023, 65, pp.103067. ⟨10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103067⟩
Sturbois A., Cozic A, Schaal G, Desroy N, Riera P, Le Pape Olivier, Le Mao P, Ponsero A, Carpentier Alexandre (2022). Stomach content and stable isotope analyses provide complementary insights into the trophic ecology of coastal temperate bentho-demersal assemblages under environmental and anthropogenic pressures. Marine Environmental Research, 2022, 182, pp.105770. ⟨10.1016/j.marenvres.2022.105770⟩
Randon Marine, Réveillac Elodie, Le Pape Olivier (2021). A holistic investigation of tracers at population and individual scales reveals population structure for the common sole of the Eastern English Channel. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2021, 249, pp.107096. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2020.107096⟩
Champagnat Juliette, Lecomte Jean-Baptiste, Rivot Etienne, Douchet L, Martin N, Grasso F, Mounier F, Labadie P, Loizeau V, Bacq N, Le Pape Olivier, Loizeau Véronique, Labadie Pierre (2021). Multidisciplinary assessment of nearshore nursery habitat restoration for an exploited population of marine fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2021, 680, pp.97-109. ⟨10.3354/meps13881⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Vermard Youen, Guitton Jérôme, Brown Elliot, van de Wolfshaar Karen, Lipcius Romuald, Støttrup Josianne, Rose Kenneth (2020). The use and performance of survey-based pre-recruit abundance indices for possible inclusion in stock assessments of coastal-dependent species. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2020, 77 (5), pp.1953-1965. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsaa051⟩
Randon Marine, Le Pape Olivier, Ernande Bruno, Mahé Kélig, Volckaert Filip, Petit Eric, Lassalle Gilles, Le Berre Thomas, Réveillac Elodie (2020). Complementarity and discriminatory power of genotype and otolith shape in describing the fine-scale population structure of an exploited fish, the common sole of the Eastern English Channel. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2020, 15 (11), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0241429⟩
Lecomte Jean-Baptiste, Le Pape Olivier, Baillif Hélène, Nevoux Marie, Vermard youen, Savina Marie, Véron Matthieu, Lehuta Sigrid, Hunter Ewan, Rivot Etienne (2020). State-space modeling of multidecadal mark–recapture data reveals low adult dispersal in a nursery-dependent fish metapopulation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2020, 77 (2), pp.342-354. ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2019-0037⟩
Vaz Sandrine, Le Pape Olivier (2019). Quantitative Mapping of Fish Habitat: From Knowledge to Spatialised Fishery Management. Komatsu T., Ceccaldi HJ., Yoshida J., Prouzet P., Henocque Y. (eds) Oceanography Challenges to Future Earth. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-00137-7 ISBN 978-3-030-00138-4 (eBook) Chap. 25 pp.313-323, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-00138-4_25⟩
Vaz Sandrine, Le Pape Olivier (2019). Quantitative Mapping of Fish Habitat: From Knowledge to Spatialised Fishery Management. Oceanography Challenges to Future Earth, Springer International Publishing, pp.313-323, 2019, 978-3-030-00137-7
Tableau Adrien, Le Bris Hervé, Saulnier Erwan, Le Pape Olivier, Brind'Amour Annick (2019). Novel approach for testing the food limitation hypothesis in estuarine and coastal fish nurseries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2019, 629, pp.117-131. ⟨10.3354/meps13090⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Brind'Amour A., Begout M. L. (2019). Flatfish ecology: Advances from the 10th international flatfish symposium. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2019, 144, pp.156-157. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2018.12.004⟩
Randon Marine, Le Pape Olivier, Ernande Bruno, Mahé K., Volckaert Filip, Petit Eric, Evanno Guillaume, Lassalle Gilles, Le Berre Thomas, Martin N., Réveillac Elodie (2019). Coupling individual natural tracers to assess the connectivity within a flatfish metapopulation. 5th International Sclerochronology Conference, Jun 2019, Split, Croatia
Regimbart Amélie, Guitton Jérôme, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Zones fonctionnelles pour les ressources halieutiques dans les eaux sous souveraineté française. [Rapport de recherche] 46, Agrocampus Ouest, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, 35042 Rennes. 2018, 175 p
Lagarde A., Doyen L., Ahad-Cissé A., Caill-Milly N., Gourguet S., Le Pape Olivier, Macher C., Morandeau G., Thébaud O. (2018). How Does MMEY Mitigate the Bioeconomic Effects of Climate Change for Mixed Fisheries. Ecological Economics, Elsevier, 2018, 154, pp.317 - 332. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.07.001⟩
Janssen Holger, Bastardie Francois, Eero Margit, Hamon Katell, Hinrichsen Hans-Harald, Marchal Paul, Nielsen J. Rasmus, Le Pape Olivier, Schulze Torsten, Simons Sarah, Teal Lorna R., Tidd Alex (2018). Integration of fisheries into marine spatial planning: Quo vadis?. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2018, 201, pp.105-113. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2017.01.003⟩
Paumier Alexis, Tatlian T., Réveillac Elodie, Le Luherne E., Ballu S., Lepage Mario, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Impacts of green tides on estuarine fish assemblages. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2018, 213, pp.176-184. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2018.08.021⟩
Brown Elliot, Vasconcelos Rita, Wennhage Håkan, Bergström Ulf, Støttrup Josianne, van de Wolfshaar Karen, Millisenda Giacomo, Colloca Francesco, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Conflicts in the coastal zone: human impacts on commercially important fish species utilizing coastal habitat. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018, 75 (4), pp.1203 - 1213. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsx237⟩
Randon Marine, Réveillac Elodie, Rivot Etienne, Du Pontavice Hubert, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Could we consider a single stock when spatial sub-units present lasting patterns in growth and asynchrony in cohort densities? A flatfish case study. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2018, 142, pp.91 - 100. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2018.09.012⟩
Archambault B., Rivot Etienne, Savina M., Le Pape Olivier (2018). Using a spatially structured life cycle model to assess the influence of multiple stressors on an exploited coastal-nursery-dependent population. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2018, 201, pp.95-104. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2015.12.009⟩
Lecomte Jean-Baptiste, Baillif Hélène, Vermard youen, Hunter Ewan, Nevoux Marie, Reveillac Elodie, Le Pape Olivier, Rivot Etienne (2018). Investigating the dynamics of a partially migratory fish population. SFE² International Conference on Ecological Sciences, 2018, Rennes, France
Lagarde Adrien, Cisse Abdoul Ahad, Gourguet Sophie, Le Pape Olivier, Thébaud Olivier, Caill-Milly Nathalie, Morandeau Gilles, Macher Claire, Doyen Luc (2017). Comment la stratégie MMEY atténue les effets bio-économiques du changement climatique dans les pêcheries mixtes. Cahiers du GREThA, Université de Bordeaux - UMR CNRS 5113, 2017
Le Luherne Emilie, Le Pape Olivier, Murillo Laurence, Randon Marine, Lebot Clément, Réveillac Elodie, Patterson Heather M. (2017). Influence of Green Tides in Coastal Nursery Grounds on the Habitat Selection and Individual Performance of Juvenile Fish. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2017, 12 (1), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0170110⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Nieblas Anne- Elise, Fromentin Jean-Marc (2017). Overfishing causes frequent fish population collapses but rare extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 114 (31), pp.E6274-E6274. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1706893114⟩
Pinay Gilles, Gascuel Chantal, Menesguen Alain, Souchon yves, Le Moal Morgane, Aissani Lynda, Anschutz Pierre, Barthélemy Carole, Béline Fabrice, Bornette Gudrun, Bourblanc Magalie, Boutin Catherine, Chapelle Annie, Chauvin Christian, Claquin Pascal, Crave Alain, Denoroy Pascal, Dorioz Jean Marcel, Douguet Jean-Marc, Doussan Isabelle, Durand Patrick, Etrillard Claire, Euzen Agathe, Gascuel Didier, Gross Elisabeth, Hoepffner Nicolas, Humbert Jean Francois, Lacroix Geneviève, Le Pape Olivier, Lefebvre Alain, Lescot Jean-Marie, Levain Alix, Miossec Laurence, Moatar Florentina, Mostajir Behzad, Pannard Alexandrine, Rimet Frédéric, Rossi Nadège, Sanchez-Perez Jose-Miguel, Sauvage Sabine, Souchu Philippe, Terreaux Jean-Philippe, Usseglio-Polatera Philippe, Vinçon-Leite Brigitte (2017). Eutrophisation. Manifestations, causes, conséquences et prédictibilité. Rapport de l'Expertise scientifique collective. [Autre] Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA); Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER); Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture (IRSTEA); Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). 2017
Aissani Lynda, Anschutz P., Barthelemy C., Béline Fabrice, Bornette Gudrun, Boutin Catherine, Bourblanc Magalie, Chapelle A., Chauvin Christian, Claquin P., Crave Alain, Denoroy Pascal, Dorioz J.M., Douguet J.M., Doussan I., Durand P., Etrillard Claire, Euzen A., Gascuel Didier, Gross E., Hoepffner N., Humbert J.F., Lacroix G., Le Pape Olivier, Lefebvre A., Lescot Jean-Marie, Levain Alix, Miossec L., Moatar Florentina, Mostajir B., Pannaud A., Rimet Frédéric, Rossi Nicolas, Sánchez-Pérez J.M., Sauvage S., Souchu P., Terreaux Jean-Philippe, Usseglio Polatera P., Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Pinay Gilles, Gascuel Chantal, Ménesguen A., Souchon yves, Le Moal M. (2017). Eutrophisation : manifestations, causes, conséquences et prédictibilité. [Autre] irstea. 2017, pp.145
Le Luherne Emilie, Réveillac Elodie, Ponsero A., Sturbois A., Ballu S., Perdriau Martine, Le Pape Olivier (2016). Fish community responses to green tides in shallow estuarine and coastal areas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2016, 175, pp.79-92. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2016.03.031⟩
Savina M., Lunghi M., Archambault Benoit, Baulier Loic, Huret M., Le Pape Olivier (2016). Sole larval supply to coastal nurseries: Interannual variability and connectivity at interregional and interpopulation scales. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2016, 111, pp.1-10. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2015.11.010⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Cognez Noriane (2016). The range of juvenile movements of estuarine and coastal nursery dependent flatfishes: estimation from a meta-analytical approach. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2016, 107, pp.43-55. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2015.06.001⟩
Delage Nicolas, Le Pape Olivier (2016). Inventaire des zones fonctionnelles pour les ressources halieutiques dans les eaux sous souveraineté française. Première partie : définitions, critères d’importance et méthode pour déterminer des zones d’importance à protéger en priorité. [Rapport de recherche] Pôle halieutique AGROCAMPUS OUEST. 2016, 36 p
Archambault Benoit, Le Pape Olivier, Baulier Loic, Vermard youen, Véron Matthieu, Rivot Etienne (2016). Adult-mediated connectivity affects inferences on population dynamics and stock assessment of nursery-dependent fish populations. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2016, 181, pp.198-213. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2016.03.023⟩
Marchal Paul, Gasche Loïc, Girardin R., Le Pape Olivier, Huret M., Mahevas S., Travers-Trolet M., Vaz S. (2015). From data to End-to -End Models:15 years of research to describe the dynamics of exploited marine ecosystems in the Eastern Channel. Hubert-Jean Ceccaldi; Yves Hénocque; Yasuyuki Koike; Teruhisa Komatsu; Georges Stora; Marie-Hélène Tusseau-Vuillemin. Marine Productivity: Perturbation and Resilience of Socio-Ecosystems, Springer International Publishing, pp.169-173, 2015, 978-3-319-13878-7. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-13878-7_18⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Lepage Mario, Fera P. (2015). Fish indicator development for the assessment of the ecological quality of transitional waters for the Water Framework Directive: A forced march towards positive results. Norois, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2015, 235, pp.37-49
Le Pape Olivier, Bonhommeau Sylvain (2015). The food limitation hypothesis for juvenile marine fish. Fish and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015, 16 (3), pp.373-398. ⟨10.1111/faf.12063⟩
Le Pape Olivier (2015). Intérêt des AMP dans les secteurs côtiers et estuariens. BONNIN M. LAE R., BEHNASSI M and Editions, IRD. Les aires marines protégées Ouest Africaines, défis scientifiques et enjeux sociétaux, IRD, pp.31-45, 2015
Le Pape Olivier, Delavenne J., Vaz S. (2014). Quantitative mapping of fish habitat: A useful tool to design spatialised management measures and marine protected area with fishery objectives. Ocean and Coastal Management, Elsevier, 2014, 87, pp.8-19. ⟨10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.10.018⟩
Guillemot Nicolas, Chabanet Pascale, Kulbicki Michel, Vigliola Laurent, Leopold Marc, Jollit Isabelle, Le Pape Olivier (2014). Effects of fishing on fish assemblages in a coral reef ecosystem: From functional response to potential indicators. Ecological Indicators, Elsevier, 2014, 43, pp.227 - 235. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.02.015⟩
Vasconcelos Rita P., Eggleston David B., Le Pape Olivier, Tulp Ingrid (2014). Patterns and processes of habitat-specific demographic variability in exploited marine species. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2014, 71 (3), pp.638 - 647. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fst136⟩
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Nieblas Anne-Elise, Chassot Emmanuel, Kaplan David M., Dubroca Laurent, Manacorda Carlos, Barde Julien, Le Pape Olivier (2014). Reply to Feeley and Machovina: Trophic ecology complements estimates of land use change due to food production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111 (9), pp.E795-E795. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1324144111⟩
Nieblas Anne-Elise, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Le Pape Olivier, Chassot Emmanuel, Dubroca Laurent, Barde Julien, Kaplan David M. (2014). Reply to Roopnarine: What is an apex predator?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111 (9), pp.E797-E797. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1324146111⟩
Archambault Benoit, Le Pape Olivier, Bousquet Nicolas, Rivot Etienne (2014). Density-dependence can be revealed by modelling the variance in the stock-recruitment process: an application to flatfish. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2014, 71 (8), pp.2127-2140. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fst203⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Moderan J., Beaunee G., Riera Pascal, Nicolas D., Savoye N., Harmelin-Vivien Mireille, Darnaude A. M., Brind'Amour A., Le Bris Hervé, Cabral Henrique, Vinagre C., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Franca S., Kostecki C. (2013). Sources of organic matter for flatfish juveniles in coastal and estuarine nursery grounds: A meta-analysis for the common sole (Solea solea) in contrasted systems of Western Europe. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2013, 75, pp.85-95. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2012.05.003⟩
Tableau A., Drouineau Hilaire, Delpech C., Pierre M., Lobry Jérémy, Le Pape Olivier, Breine J., Lepage Mario (2013). A fish-based index of estuarine ecological quality incorporating information from both scientific fish survey and experts knowledge. Ecological Indicators, Elsevier, 2013, 32, p. 147 - p. 156. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.03.030⟩
Trimoreau E., Archambault Benoit, Brind'Amour A., Lepage Mario, Guitton J., Le Pape Olivier (2013). A quantitative estimate of the function of soft-bottom sheltered coastal areas as essential flatfish nursery habitat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2013, 133, pp.193-205. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2013.08.027⟩
Roussel G., Tréguer Paul, Viard F., Le Pape Olivier (2013). Les effets et impacts sur le milieu marin et côtier ?. Presses Universitaires de Rennes (Mérot, P., Dureuil, V., Delahaye, D., Desnos, P.). Changement climatique dans le grand ouest, Evaluation, impacts, perceptions, pp.101-178, 2013
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Dubroca Laurent, Le Pape Olivier, Barde Julien, Kaplan David M., Chassot Emmanuel, Nieblas Anne-Elise (2013). Eating up the world's food web and the human trophic level. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences, 2013, 110 (51), pp.20617-20620. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1305827110⟩
Vasconcelos R. P., Le Pape Olivier, Costa M. J., Cabral Henrique (2013). Predicting estuarine use patterns of juvenile fish with Generalized Linear Models. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2013, 120, pp.64 - 74. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2013.01.018⟩
Rochette Sébastien, Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2013). A hierarchical Bayesian model for embedding larval drift and habitat models in integrated life cycles for exploited fish. Ecological Applications, Ecological Society of America, 2013, 23 (7), pp.1659-1676. ⟨10.1890/12-0336.1⟩
Rivot Etienne, Massiot-Granier Félix, Archambault Benoit, Rochette Sébastien, Prévost Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2013). Les modèles hiérarchiques : un outil pour gérer les emboitements d'échelles dans la modélisation intégrée des cycles de vie. 11. Forum Halieutique. Exploitation et conservationdes écosystèmes aquatiques : une question d'échelles ?, Association Française d'Halieutique (AFH). FRA., Jun 2013, Bordeaux, France. 12 diapos
Rivot Etienne, Massiot-Granier Félix, Archambault Benoit, Rochette Sébastien, Prévost Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2013). Hierarchical bayesian models : a framework for addressing issues of nested scales in ntegrated life cycle models for exploited fish populations. ICES Annual Science Conference, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). DNK., Sep 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland. 1 p
Mesnildrey Lucile, Gascuel Didier, Le Pape Olivier (2013). Integrating Marine Protected Areas in fisheries management systems: some criteria for ecological efficiency. Aquatic Living Resources, EDP Sciences, 2013, 26 (2), pp.159-170. ⟨10.1051/alr/2013056⟩
Baglinière Jean-Luc, Gerdeaux Daniel, Médale Françoise, Gascuel Didier, Le Pape Olivier, Pont Didier (2013). Les hydrosystèmes, la pêche et l'aquaculture. S'adapter au changement climatique, Editions Quae, 282 p., 2013, Syntheses, 978-2-7592-2016-8
Gascuel Didier, Henichart Laura-Mars, Mesnildrey Lucile, Le Pape Olivier (2013). Les AMP, quels effets sur les ressources et les écosystèmes.. Perpignan, Editions Presses Universitaire de. Les aires marines protégées et la pêche : bioécologie, socioéconomie et gouvernance, S.M. Garcia, J. Boncoeur et D. Gascuel, editeurs,, pp.73-136, 2013
Gilliers Camille, Claireaux Guy, Galois Robert, Loizeau Véronique, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Influence of Hydrocarbons Exposure on Survival, Growth and Condition of Juvenile Flatfish. Journal of Life Science, 2012, 4 (2), pp.113-122
Kostecki C., Roussel Jean-Marc, Desroy N., Roussel G., Lanshere J., Le Bris Hervé, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Trophic ecology of juvenile flatfish in a coastal nursery ground: contributions of intertidal primary production and freshwater particulate organic matter. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2012, 449 (449), pp.221-232. ⟨10.3354/meps09563⟩
Chabanet Pascale, Bigot Lionel, Nicet Jb, Andréfouët Serge, Bourmaud Chloé A.-F., Conand Chantal, Durville P, Fricke R, Gravier-Bonnet Nicole, Mattio N, Le Pape Olivier, Mulochau T, Magalon Hélène, Obura D, Poupin J, Tessier Emmanuel, Quod Jp, Zubia M (2012). Multi-disciplinary approach for coral reef management in Eparses Islands, SWIO. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, 2012, Cairns, Australia. pp.1
Delavenne J., Vaz S., Marchal P., Le Pape Olivier, Rochette S., Metcalfe K., Smith R.J. (2012). Use of real abundances, preferential or potential habitats, what differences in conservation plans? An example from the eastern English Channel.. ICES annual science conference., Jul 2012, Bergen (NO), Norway
Rochette S., Huret M., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Coupling hydrodynamic and individual-based models to simulate long-term larval supply to costal nursery areas. Fisheries Oceanography, Wiley, 2012, 21 (4), pp.229-242. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2419.2012.00621.x⟩
Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Consequences of human disturbances on the common sole population - Final report of EU program Interreg 4A Charm 3, Action 11.1. 2012, 5 p
Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Consequences of human disturbances on sole population in the Eastern Channel.. Public meeting of the Charm3 UE program Interreg, Jul 2012, Boulogne sur mer (FR), France
Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Conséquences des perturbations anthropiques sur la population de sole (Solea solea) - Rapport final du proramme européen Interreg 4A Charm 3, Action 11.1. 2012, 6 p
Baglinière Jean-Luc, Gerdeaux D., Médale Françoise, Gascuel Didier, Le Pape Olivier, Pont H. (2012). Les hydrosystèmes continentaux, côtiers et océaniques, filière pêche et aquaculture.. Quae. Adaptation de l’agriculture et des écosystèmes anthropisés au changement climatique, Sousana et al., 30 p., 2012
Lassalle Géraldine, Lobry Jérémy, Le Loc’h François, Bustamante Paco, Certain Grégoire, Delmas Daniel, Dupuy Christine, Hily Christian, Labry Claire, Le Pape Olivier, Marquis Elise, Petitgas Pierre, Pusineri Claire, Ridoux Vincent, Spitz Jérôme, Niquil Nathalie (2011). Lower trophic levels and detrital biomass control the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food web: Implications for ecosystem management. Progress in Oceanography, Elsevier, 2011, 91 (4), pp.561-575. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2011.09.002⟩
Kostecki Caroline, Rochette Sebastien, Girardin R., Blanchard Michel, Desroy Nicolas, Le Pape Olivier (2011). Reduction of flatfish habitat as a consequence of the proliferation of an invasive mollusc. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2011, 92 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.026⟩
Kostecki C., Moderan J., Richard A., Riera Pascal, Pasquaud Stéphanie, Savoye N., David G., Harmelin-Vivien Mireille L., Darnaude A., Brind'Amour A., Menage V., Cabral Henrique, Vinagre C., Franca S., Le Pape Olivier (2011). Analyse comparative de l'ecologie trophique des juveniles de poissons plats dans differents systemes hydrologiques cotiers. 10eme forum halieumetrique "Changement environnementaux et dynamiques halieutiques", May 2011, Boulogne-sur-mer (FR), France
Bailly D., Gauthiez F., Hemeury y., Laisné L., Le Pape Olivier, Trouillet Brice (2011). Partage ou division des espaces côtiers : quelles stratégies ? Rencontres Halieutiques de Rennes. Pêche et aquaculture : un atout pour l'aménagement des territoires côtiers, Oct 2011, Rennes, France
Vasconcelos R.P., Le Pape Olivier, Costa M.J., Cabral Henrique (2011). Predicting estuarine use patterns of juvenile fish along the Portuguese coast. 8th International Flatfish Symposium, Nov 2011, Ijmuiden (NL), Netherlands
Kostecki C., Le Pape Olivier (2011). Analyse de l'effet de differentes pressions de nature anthropique sur les populations de soles dans les eaux sous juridiction francaise de la sous region marine Manche - Mer du Nord. Fiche de synthese dans le cadre du volet pression impact de la mise en o. 2011, 9 p
Le Pape Olivier, Bonhommeau S. (2011). Density dependence and trophic limitation on coastal and estuarine nursery grounds for marine fishes. 8th International Flatfish Symposium, Nov 2011, Ijmuiden (NL), Netherlands
Mesnildrey Lucile, Le Pape Olivier (2011). Contribution des aires marines protégées à la gestion des ressources halieutiques. Conference grand public organisee par le CCSTI/Maison de la Mer de Lorient, Feb 2011, Lorient (FR), France
Le Pape Olivier, Vaz S. (2011). Cartographie quantitative des habitats halieutiques : de la connaissance à la gestion spatialisee des ressources marines exploitées. Colloque de stratégie scientifique "Contribution des aires marines protégées à la gestion écosystemique des milieux et de leurs usages", Nov 2011, Paris (FR), France
Mesnildrey Lucile, Le Pape Olivier (2011). La gestion des ressources vivantes aquatiques. Festival des sciences de Rennes, Oct 2011, Bruz (FR), France
Rochette S., Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2011). Une approche bayesienne pour integrer la derive larvaire dans un modele de cycle de vie spatialement explicite. 10eme forum halieumetrique "Changement environnementaux et dynamiques halieutiques", May 2011, Boulogne-sur-mer (FR), France
Rochette S., Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2011). A Bayesian state-space model to merge larval drifting and habitat suitability models with spatially ? explicit age-structured fish population dynamics model. 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, May 2011, Riva del Gardia (IT), Italy
Archambault B., Rochette S., Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2011). A Bayesian state-space model to merge larval drifting and habitat suitability models with spatially ? explicit age-structured fish population dynamics model. 8th International Flatfish Symposium, Nov 2011, Ijmuiden (NL), Netherlands
Baulier L., Rochette S., Huret M., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2011). A biophysical model to analyse the influence of larval supply on fish recruitment: application to a coastal and estuarine nursery dependent flatfish population. 2011, non paginé
Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2011). Consequences of anthropic disturbances on population of sole in the Eastern Channel. Presentation publique des projets Interreg IVa CRESH et CHARM, Jan 2011, Greenwich (EU), United States
Mesnildrey Lucile, Le Pape Olivier, Gascuel Didier, Lesueur Marie, Henichart L.-M. (2011). Les effets des reserves de pêche : bilan des connaissances et questions scientifiques en suspend. Colloque de stratégie scientifique "Contribution des aires marines protégées à la gestion écosystemique des milieux et de leurs usages", Nov 2011, Paris (FR), France
Nicolas D., Lobry Jérémy, Lepage Mario, Sautour B., Le Pape Olivier, Cabral Henrique, Uriarte A., Boët Philippe (2010). Fish under influence: a macroecological analysis of relations between fish species richness and environmental gradients among European tidal estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2010, 86 (1), p. 137 - p. 147. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2009.11.006⟩
Hermant Marie, Lobry Jérémy, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Poulard Jean Charles, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Impact of warming on abundance and occurrence of flatfish populations in the Bay of Biscay (France). Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2010, 64 (1-2), pp.45-53. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2009.07.001⟩
Kostecki C., Le Loc’h François, Roussel Jean-Marc, Desroy N., Huteau D., Riera Pascal, Le Bris Hervé, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Dynamics of an estuarine nursery ground: the spatio-temporal relationship between the river flow and the food web of the juvenile common sole (Solea solea, L.) as revealed by stable isotopes analysis. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2010, 64 (1-2), pp.54-60. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2009.07.006⟩
Guillemot N., Chabanet Pascale, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Cyclone effects on coral reef habitats in New Caledonia (South Pacific). Coral Reefs, Springer Verlag, 2010, 29 (2), pp.445-453. ⟨10.1007/s00338-010-0587-4⟩
Nicolas D., Lobry Jérémy, Le Pape Olivier, Boët Philippe (2010). Functional diversity in European estuaries: Relating the composition of fish assemblages to the abiotic environment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2010, 88 (3), p. 329 - p. 338. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2010.04.010⟩
Delpech C., Courrat A., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Lobry Jérémy, Le Pape Olivier, Nicolas D., Boët Philippe, Girardin Michel, Lepage Mario (2010). Development of a fish-based index to assess the ecological quality of transitional waters: The case of French estuaries. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Elsevier, 2010, 60 (6), p. 908 - p. 918. ⟨10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.01.001⟩
Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Morin J., Mackinson S., Riou P., Le Pape Olivier (2010). Effect of nursery habitat degradation on flatfish population: Application to Solea solea in the Eastern Channel (Western Europe). Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2010, 64 (1-2), pp.34-44. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2009.08.003⟩
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Castonguay Martin, Rivot Etienne, Sabatié Richard, Le Pape Olivier (2010). The duration of migration of Atlantic Anguilla larvae. Fish and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 11 (3), pp.289-306. ⟨10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00362.x⟩
Des Clers Sophie, Gascuel Didier, Lagadec Xavière, Lesueur Marie, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Assessment against the principles and criteria of the MSC for sustainable fishing, Southern Brittany's purse seine Sardine fishery. 2010, non paginé
Chassot Emmanuel, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Dulvy Nicholas, Mélin Frédéric, Watson Reg, Gascuel Didier, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Global marine primary production constrains fisheries catches. Ecology Letters, Wiley, 2010, 13 (4), pp.495-505. ⟨10.1111/j.1461-0248.2010.01443.x⟩
Gascuel Didier, Lesueur Marie, Mesnildrey Lucile, Le Pape Olivier (2010). Analyse des effets des réserves de pêche. 2010, 109 p
Lepage Mario, Amara R., Boët Philippe, Courrat A., Delpech C., Durozoï B., Laffargue P., Le Pape Olivier, Lobry Jérémy, Parlier E., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Girardin Michel, Girardin Michel (2009). Fish Index development for transitional waters. [Rapport de recherche] irstea. 2009, pp.75
Courrat A., Lobry Jérémy, Nicolas D., Laffargue P., Amara Rachid, Lepage Mario, Girardin Michel, Le Pape Olivier (2009). Anthropogenic disturbance on nursery function of estuarine areas for marine species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2009, 81 (81), pp.179-190. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2008.10.017⟩
Lepage Mario, Amara R., Boët Philippe, Courrat A., Delpech C., Durozoï B., Girardin Michel, Laffargue P., Le Pape Olivier, Lobry Jérémy, Pasquaud Stéphanie, Pont Didier (2009). Presentation of the Fish Index for estuaries: Commons-based peer production realised in the framework of Liteau II. Séminaire de lancement du projet Liteau III BEEST « Vers une approche multicritère du Bon Etat / potentiel écologique des grands ESTuaires Seine, Loire et Gironde », Nov 2009, Paris, France. pp.24
Lepage Mario, Boët Philippe, Elie Pierre, Amara R., Le Pape Olivier, Courrat A., Lobry Jérémy, Durozoï B., Parlier E., Delpech C., Laffargue P., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Guibert A., Girard Pascal, Girardin Michel, Girardin Michel (2009). Fish Index development for transitional waters. anatomo - morphological and parasitic index about Fish health. [Rapport de recherche] irstea. 2009, pp.263
Girardin Michel, Amara R., Lepage Mario, Boët Philippe, Lobry Jérémy, Delpech C., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Courrat A., Le Pape Olivier, Laffargue P., Masse J., Nicolas D. (2009). Développement d'un indicateur poisson pour les eaux de transition : APR Liteau2 2005. Colloque Liteau. Science et gouvernance en appui au développement durable du littoral, Dec 2009, Montpellier, France. pp.9
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Blanke Bruno, Tréguier Anne-Marie, Grima Nicolas, Rivot Etienne, Vermard youen, Greiner Eric, Le Pape Olivier (2009). How fast can the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae cross the Atlantic Ocean?. Fisheries Oceanography, Wiley, 2009, 18 (6), pp.371-385. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2419.2009.00517.x⟩
Bonhommeau S., Le Pape Olivier, Gascuel Didier, Blanke B., Tréguier Anne-Marie, Grima N., Vermard y., Castonguay M., Rivot Etienne (2009). Estimates of the mortality and the duration of the trans-Atlantic migration of European eel Anguilla anguilla leptocephali using a particle tracking model.. Journal of Fish Biology, Wiley, 2009, 74 (9), pp.1891-1914. ⟨10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02298.x⟩
Arbach Leloup F., Desroy Nicolas, Le Mao Patrick, Pauly Daniel, Le Pape Olivier (2008). Interactions between a natural food web, shellfish farming and exotic species: The case of the Bay of Mont Saint Michel (France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2008, 76 (1), pp.111-120. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2007.06.011⟩
Lepage Mario, Courrat A., Lobry Jérémy, Le Pape Olivier, Delpech C., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Durozoï B., Girardin Michel, Boët Philippe, Pont Didier (2008). Elaboration of a fish indicator for transitional waters: Defining reference status per waterbody type. Séminaire Aquaref « Les approches hydrobiologiques pour la DCE et le continuum eaux douces- eaux littorales », Jun 2008, Paris, France. pp.10
Courrat A., Lobry Jérémy, Laffargue P., Lepage Mario, Girardin Michel, Amara R., Nicolas D., Delpech C., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Le Pape Olivier (2008). Indicateurs ichtyologiques pour le suivi de la fonctionnalité de nourricerie des masses d'eau de transition / xénobiotiques dans le cadre de la DCE. Impact des organismes pathogènes et des micropolluants sur l'état de santé des poissons, mollusques et crustacés des milieux naturels : de l'individu au peuplement, Mar 2008, Nantes, France. pp.20
Delpech C., Lepage Mario, Pasquaud Stéphanie, Courrat A., Nicolas D., Girardin Michel, Boët Philippe, Lobry Jérémy, Le Pape Olivier, Pont Didier (2008). Etat d'avancement des travaux sur l'indicateur poisson. Séminaire Aquaref « Les approches hydrobiologiques pour la DCE et le continuum eaux douces- eaux littorales », Jun 2008, Paris, France. pp.19
Courrat A., Lobry Jérémy, Nicolas D., Delpech C., Pasquaud Stéphanie, Masse J., Girardin Michel, Lepage Mario, Le Pape Olivier (2008). Fish indicators for the ecological status of transitional waters within the Water Framework Directive: Methodology. [Rapport de recherche] irstea. 2008, pp.17
Nicolas D., Lobry Jérémy, Lepage Mario, Sautour B., Le Pape Olivier, Cabral Henrique, Uriarte A., Boët Philippe (2008). Toward a macroscopic analysis of European tidal estuaries fish assemblages patterns. ECSA 44 symposium, Sep 2008, Bahia Blanca, Argentina. pp.41
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Chassot Emmanuel, Planque Benjamin, Rivot Etienne, Knap Anthony, Le Pape Olivier (2008). Impact of climate on eel populations of the Northern Hemisphere. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2008, 373, pp.71-80. ⟨10.3354/meps07696⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Baulier Loîc, Cloarec Aurélie, Martin Jocelyne, Le Loc’h François, Désaunay Yves (2007). Habitat suitability for juvenile common sole (Solea solea, L.) in the Bay of Biscay (France): A quantitative description using indicators based on epibenthic fauna. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 2007, 57 (2-3), pp.126-136. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2006.08.011⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Gilliers C., Riou P., Morin J., Amara Rachid (2007). Convergent signs of degradation of both the capacity and the quality of an essential fish habitat : synthesis on the Seine estuary (France), an highly anthropised estuary of which flatfish nursery function is altered.. Hydrobiologia, Springer, 2007, pp.225-229
Bonhommeau Sylvain, Chassot Emmanuel, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier, Knap Tony (2007). Impact du changement climatique sur les populations d'anguilles. 8. Forum halieumétrique. Changements réversibles et irréversibles dans les ressources et leurs usages, Jun 2007, La Rochelle, France. pp.Inconnue
Chassot Emmanuel, Melin Freddric, Le Pape Olivier, Gascuel Didier (2007). Bottom-up control regulates fisheries production at the scale of eco-regions in European seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2007, 343, pp.45--55. ⟨10.3354/meps06919⟩
Gilliers Camille, Le Pape Olivier, Désaunay Yves, Morin Jocelyne, Guérault D., Amara R. (2006). Are growth and density quantitative indicators of essential fish habitat quality? An application to the common sole Solea solea nursery grounds. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2006, 69 (1-2), pp.96-106. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2006.02.006⟩
Gilliers C, Le Pape Olivier, Desaunay y, Bergeron Jp, Schreiber N, Guerault D, Amara R (2006). Growth and condition of juvenile sole (Solea solea L.) as indicators of habitat quality in coastal and estuarine nurseries in the Bay of Biscay with a focus on sites exposed to the Erika oil spill. Scientia Marina, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 70, pp.183--192. ⟨10.3989/scimar.2006.70s1183⟩
Desaunay y, Guerault D, Le Pape Olivier, Poulard Jc (2006). Changes in occurrence and abundance of northern/southern flatfishes over a 20-year period in a coastal nursery area (Bay of Vilaine) and on the eastern continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay. Scientia Marina, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2006, 70, pp.193--200. ⟨10.3989/scimar.2006.70s1193⟩
Jacq Jérôme, Le Pape Olivier, Désaunay yves, Trouillet Brice (2005). Les nourriceries de soles entre Quiberon et le sud de l'île d'Yeu : écologie et réglementations.. 2005, pp.42
Rochet Mj, Trenkel V, Bellail R, Coppin F, Le Pape Olivier, Mahe Jc, Morin J, Poulard Jc, Schlaich I, Souplet A, Verin y, Bertrand J (2005). Combining indicator trends to assess ongoing changes in exploited fish communities: diagnostic of communities off the coasts of France. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2005, 62 (8), pp.1647--1664. ⟨10.1016/j.icesjms.2005.06.009⟩
Gilliers Camille, Amara Rachid, Bergeron Jean-Pierre, Le Pape Olivier (2004). Comparison of growth and condition indices of juvenile flatfish in differentcoastal nursery grounds. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2004, 71 (2), pp.189-198. ⟨10.1007/s10641-004-0090-2⟩
Amara R, Mahé K, Le Pape Olivier, Desroy Nicolas (2004). Growth, feeding and distribution of the solenette Buglossidium luteum with particular reference to its habitat preference. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), 2004, 51, pp.211 - 217. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2003.08.002⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Guerault D, Desaunay y (2004). Effect of an invasive mollusc, American slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata, on habitat suitability for juvenile common sole Solea solea in the Bay of Biscay. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2004, 277, pp.107--115. ⟨10.3354/meps277107⟩
Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J (2001). The influence of vessel size and fishing strategy on the fishing effort for multispecies fisheries in northwestern France. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2001, 58 (6), pp.1232--1242. ⟨10.1006/jmsc.2001.1121⟩