
Bez Nicolas, Gloaguen Pierre, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Lanco Sophie, Rivot Etienne, Walker Emily, Woillez Mathieu, Mahévas Stéphanie (2024). Proper account of auto-correlations improves decoding performances of state-space (semi) Markov models. 2024

Alglave Baptiste, Olmos Maxime, Casemajor Juliette, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Rivot Etienne, Woillez Mathieu, Vermard Youen (2024). Investigating fish reproduction phenology and essential habitats by identifying the main spatio-temporal patterns of fish distribution. ICES Journal of Marine Science, In press, ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsae099⟩

Alglave Baptiste, Mourguiart Bastien, Kristensen Kasper, Rivot Etienne, Woillez Mathieu, Vermard Youen, Etienne Marie-Pierre (2024). Change of support for heavy-tailed zero inflated data: application to spatially aggregated ecological data for fine-scale species distribution inference. 2024

Elliott Sophie, Acou Anthony, Beaulaton Laurent, Rivot Etienne, Réveillac Elodie (2024). Modelling the distribution of rare and data-poor diadromous fish at sea for protected area management. 2024

Elliott Sophie, Dubost Gaspard, Rivot Etienne, Acou Anthony, Toison Vincent, Réveillac Elodie, Beaulaton Laurent (2024). Accurately predicting rare and poorly detectable species habitat for spatial protection. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2024, ⟨10.1111/1365-2664.14664⟩

Champagnat J., Rivot E., Le Pape O. (2024). The response of marine fish population productivity to juvenile habitat modifications depends upon life histories. Fish and Fisheries, 2024, 25 (3), pp.508-522. ⟨10.1111/faf.12821⟩

Dubost Gaspard, Elliott Sophie, Deleys Noémie, Réveillac Elodie, Rivot Etienne, Acou Anthony, Beaulaton Laurent (2024). Rapport du projet « MigrenMer » : Synthèse et valorisation des connaissances disponibles sur les migrateurs amphihalins en mer Rapport final. Office Français de la Biodiversité. 2024, 81 p. + annexes

Senga Kiessé Tristan, Rivot Etienne (2023). Intégration de l'approche bayésienne pour évaluer l'incertitude des estimateurs de régression par noyau associé discret. 54èmes journées de Statistique de la SFdS, Jul 2023, Bruxelles, Belgique

Banas Neil, Bean Colin, Bolstad Geir, Campbell Andrew, Diack Graeme, Elliott Sophie, Kavanagh Ailbhe, Mcginnity Philip, Mills Kathy, Nevoux Marie, Nolan Glenn, Rivot Etienne (2023). The Second ICES/NASCO Workshop on Salmon Mortality at Sea (WKSalmon2; outputs from 2022 meeting). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). 2023

Nevoux Marie, Buoro Mathieu, Lasne Emilien, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2023). The role of freshwater and marine productivity in defining the overall outcome for an Atlantic salmon population. CNL(23)52, North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization. 2023

Champagnat Juliette, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2023). Estimer l'importance des habitats halieutiques essentiels pour le renouvellement des populations marines exploitées. Institut Agro Rennes-Angers. 2023, pp.37

Olmos Maxime, Lemaire-Patin Remi, Hernvann Pierre‐yves, Ounsley James, Queroue Maud, Bolstad Geir, Fiske Peder, Chaput Gérald, Prévost Etienne, Nevoux Marie, Dauphin Guillaume, Rivot Etienne (2023). Benchmarking the north atlantic salmon stock assessment: a new life cycle model to evaluate salmon mixed stock status and fisheries management scenarios across the north atlantic basin. 2023

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Santanbien Valentin, Patin Rémi, Gregory Stephen, Lamireau Ludivine, Marchand Frédéric, Beaumont William, Scott Luke, Hillman Robert, Besnard Anne-Laure, Boisson Pierre‐yves, Meslier Lisa, King Andrew, Stevens Jamie, Nevoux Marie (2023). A multi‐population approach supports common patterns in marine growth and maturation decision in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) from southern Europe. Journal of Fish Biology, 2023, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1111/jfb.15567⟩

Gernez Maël, Champagnat Juliette, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2023). Potential impacts of the restoration of coastal and estuarine nurseries on the stock dynamics of fisheries species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, In press, ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108557⟩

Elliott Sophie A.M., Deleys Noémie, Beaulaton Laurent, Rivot Etienne, Réveillac Elodie, Acou Anthony (2023). Fisheries-dependent and -Independent data used to model the distribution of diadromous fish at-sea. Data in Brief, 2023, 48, pp.109107. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2023.109107⟩

Alglave Baptiste, Vermard Youen, Rivot Etienne, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Woillez Mathieu (2023). Identifying mature fish aggregation areas during spawning season by combining catch declarations and scientific survey data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2023, ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2022-0110⟩

Elliott Sophie, Acou Anthony, Beaulaton Laurent, Guitton Jérôme, Réveillac Elodie, Rivot Etienne (2023). Modelling the distribution of rare and data-poor diadromous fish at sea for protected area management. Progress in Oceanography, 2023, 210, pp.1-15, 102924. ⟨10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102924⟩

Elliott Sophie, Deleys Noémie, Beaulaton Laurent, Rivot Etienne, Réveillac Elodie, Acou Anthony (2022). Diadromous fish at sea database. 2022, ⟨10.17882/91719⟩

Alglave Baptiste, Kristensen Kasper, Rivot Etienne, Woillez Mathieu, Vermard Youen, Etienne Marie-Pierre (2022). Inferring fine scale wild species distribution from spatially aggregated data. 2022

Lebot Clément, Prévost Etienne, Arago Marie-Andrée, Germis Gaëlle, Beaulaton Laurent, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2022). Renovating the harvest regulation of angling fishery targeting Atlantic salmon in Brittany (France). International Year of Salmon Synthesis Symposium, Oct 2022, Vancouver, Canada

Diack Graeme, Bull Colin, Akenhead Scott, van der Stap Tim, Johnson Brett C., Rivot Etienne, Patin Rémi, Hernvann Pierre‐Yves, Schubert Aidan, Bird Tom, Saunders Mark, Crozier Walter (2022). Enhancing data mobilisation through a centralised data repository for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Providing the resources to promote an ecosystem-based management framework.. Ecological Informatics, Elsevier, 2022, 70, ⟨10.1016/j.ecoinf.2022.101746⟩

Prévost Etienne, Lebot Clément, Arago Marie-Andrée, Beaulaton Laurent, Germis Gaëlle, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2022). RENOSAUM : vers une nouvelle régulation de la pêche de loisir du saumon en Bretagne. Colloque international SAMARCH 2022 - Saumon et truite de mer : des outils au service de leur protection, May 2022, Pléneuf Val André, France

Simmons Olivia Meredith, Britton J. Robert, Gillingham Phillipa, Nevoux Marie, Riley William, Rivot Etienne, Gregory Stephen (2022). Predicting how environmental conditions and smolt body length when entering the marine environment impact individual Atlantic salmon Salmo salar adult return rates. Journal of Fish Biology, Wiley, 2022, 101 (2), pp.378-388. ⟨10.1111/jfb.14946⟩

Bull C, Gregory S, Rivot Etienne, Sheehan T, Ensing D, Woodward G, Crozier W (2022). The likely suspects framework: the need for a life cycle approach for managing Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) stocks across multiple scales. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022, 79 (5), pp.1445-1456. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsac099⟩

Hernvann Pierre‐yves, Gascuel Didier, Kopp Dorothée, Robert Marianne, Rivot Etienne (2022). EcoDiet: A hierarchical Bayesian model to combine stomach, biotracer, and literature data into diet matrix estimation. Ecological Applications, Ecological Society of America, 2022, 32 (2), ⟨10.1002/eap.2521⟩

Alglave Baptiste, Rivot Etienne, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Thorson James, Vermard youen (2022). Combining scientific survey and commercial catch data to map fish distribution. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022, ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsac032⟩

Lebot Clément, Arago Marie-Andrée, Beaulaton Laurent, Germis Gaëlle, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne (2022). Taking full advantage of the diverse assemblage of data at hand to produce time series of abundance. A case study on Atlantic salmon populations of Brittany. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2022, 79 (4), pp.533-547. ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2020-0368⟩

Alglave Baptiste, Vermard youen, Rivot Etienne, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Woillez Mathieu (2022). Identifying fish spawning grounds by combining catch declarations and scientific survey data. 2022

Champagnat Juliette, Lecomte Jean-Baptiste, Rivot Etienne, Douchet L, Martin N, Grasso F, Mounier F, Labadie P, Loizeau V, Bacq N, Le Pape Olivier, Loizeau Véronique, Labadie Pierre (2021). Multidisciplinary assessment of nearshore nursery habitat restoration for an exploited population of marine fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2021, 680, pp.97-109. ⟨10.3354/meps13881⟩

April Julien, Bardarson Hlynur, Ahlbeck-Bergendahl Ida, Bolstad Geir H., Breau Cindy, Buoro Mathieu, Camara Karin, Chaput Gerald, Cooper Anne, Dauphin Guillaume, Ensing Dennis, Erkinaro Jaakko, Fiske Peder, Freese Marko, Gillson Jonathan, Gregory Stephen, Hanson Nora, Jepsen Niels, Kelly Nicholas, Kenyon Wendy, Maxwell Hugo, Meerburg David, Millane Michael, Nygaard Rasmus, Ounsley James, Patin Rémi, Prusov Sergey, Raab Dustin, Rivot Etienne, Robertson Martha, Sheehan Timothy, Tallman Ross, Walker Alan, Wennevik Vidar (2021). ICES. 2021. Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon ( WGNAS). 3 (29), 417 p., 2021, ICES Scientific Reports., ⟨10.17895/⟩

Elliott Sophie A. M., Deleys Noémie, Rivot Etienne, Acou Anthony, Réveillac Elodie, Beaulaton Laurent (2021). Shedding light on the river and sea lamprey in western European marine waters. Endangered Species Research, Oldendorf/Luhe : Inter-Research, 2021, 44, pp.409-419. ⟨10.3354/esr01113⟩

Rivot Etienne, Chaput Gérald, Ensing Dennis (2021). Workshop for Salmon Life Cycle Modelling. [Research Report] volume 3, issue 24, ICES. 2021, 20 p

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Lamireau Ludivine, Meslier Lisa, Besnard Anne-Laure, Gregory Stephen, Nevoux Marie (2021). Growth during the first summer at sea modulates sex-specific maturation schedule in Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2021, 78 (6), pp.659-669. ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2020-0236⟩

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Santanbien Valentin, Lamireau Ludivine, Meslier Lisa, Besnard Anne-Laure, Bolstad Geir H., Czorlich yann, Gregory Stephen D., Nevoux Marie (2021). Long-term changes in marine growth modulates maturation schedule in Atlantic salmon. NOWPAS: International Workshop of PhDs and Post-doctoral Fellows on Anadromous Salmonids, 2021, Web-conference, France

Patin Rémi, Hernvann Pierre-yves, Nevoux Marie, Olmos Maxime, Rivot Etienne (2021). Reconciling stock-assessment with MCMC - Optimizing the new ICES WGNAS Atlantic Salmon stock-assessment model. NOWPAS: International Workshop of PhDs and Post-doctoral Fellows on Anadromous Salmonids, 2021, Web-conference, France

Simmons Olivia, Britton J. Robert, Gillingham Phillipa K., Nevoux Marie, Riley William D., Rivot Etienne, Gregory Stephen D. (2021). Predicting the effects of environmental factors and juvenile body length on adult marine return rates of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. NOWPAS: International Workshop of PhDs and Post-doctoral Fellows on Anadromous Salmonids, 2021, Web-conference, France

Olmos Maxime, Payne Mark, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gerald, Du Pontavice Hubert, Guitton Jérôme, Sheehan Timothy, Mills Katherine, Rivot Etienne (2020). Spatial synchrony in the response of a long range migratory species ( Salmo salar ) to climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean. Global Change Biology, Wiley, 2020, 26 (3), pp.1319-1337. ⟨10.1111/gcb.14913⟩

Lecomte Jean-Baptiste, Le Pape Olivier, Baillif Hélène, Nevoux Marie, Vermard youen, Savina Marie, Véron Matthieu, Lehuta Sigrid, Hunter Ewan, Rivot Etienne (2020). State-space modeling of multidecadal mark–recapture data reveals low adult dispersal in a nursery-dependent fish metapopulation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2020, 77 (2), pp.342-354. ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2019-0037⟩

Elliott Sophie, Deleys Noémie, Rivot Etienne, Acou Anthony, Reveillac Elodie, Beaulaton Laurent (2020). Report on the ecology of diadromous fish at sea. [Research Report] OFB; INRAE; Institut Agro - Agrocampus Ouest; UPPA. 2020, 34 p

Parent Éric, Boreux Jean-Jacques, Rivot Etienne, Ancelet Sophie (2020). A playful experience of capture-mark-recapture for initiation to probabilistic reasoning indispensable to the apprentice-statistician.. Statistique et Société, Société française de statistique, 2020, 8 (2), pp.9-31

Senga Kiessé Tristan, Rivot Etienne, Jaeger Christophe, Aubin Joël (2020). Bayesian inference in based-kernel regression: comparison of count data of condition factor of fish in pond systems. Journal of Applied Statistics, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), In press, pp.1-18. ⟨10.1080/02664763.2020.1830953⟩

Rivot Etienne, Olmos Maxime, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Buoro Mathieu, Beaulaton Laurent (2020). SalmoGlob - ToolBoxWGNAS. Développement d’un nouveau modèle pour l’évaluation des stocks de saumon atlantique à l’échelle de l’Atlantique Nord. [Rapport de recherche] OFB; INRAE; Institut Agro - Agrocampus Ouest; UPPA. 2020, 75 p

Prévost Etienne, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2020). Le saumon atlantique. Les Poissons d'eau douce de France - 2ème édition, Biotope-MNHN, 2020

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Evanno Guillaume, Lamireau Ludivine, Nevoux Marie (2020). Archived scales of Atlantic salmon reveal a sex specific maturation reaction norm related to growth at sea. NOWPAS International Workshop of Phd and Post-doctoral fellows on Anadromous Salmonids, 2020, Laugarvatn, Iceland

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Santanbien Valentin, Lamireau Ludivine, Meslier Lisa, Besnard Anne-Laure, Gregory Stephen D., Nevoux Marie (2020). Long term changes in marine growth modulates maturation schedule in Atlantic salmon. BES Annual Meeting 2020 : Festival of Ecology, 2020, web-conference, France

Olmos Maxime, Payne Mark, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gérald, Du Pontavice Hubert, Guitton Jérôme, Rivot Etienne (2019). Spatial synchrony in the response of a long distant migratory specie (Salmo salar) to climate change in the North Atlantic ocean. 14. Colloque de l'Association Française d'Halieutique - Recherche halieutique et développement durable, Jun 2019, Caen, France

Rivot Etienne, Olmos Maxime, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Buoro Mathieu, Beaulaton Laurent (2019). SalmoGlob - ToolBoxWGNAS. Un nouveau modèle pour l’évaluation des stocks de saumon atlantique à l’échelle de l’Atlantique Nord. 2019

Olmos Maxime, Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gerald, Bradbury Ian R, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2019). Evidence for spatial coherence in time trends of marine life history traits of Atlantic salmon in the North Atlantic. Fish and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019, 20 (2), pp.322-342. ⟨10.1111/faf.12345⟩

Ahlbeck-Bergendahl Ida, April Julien, Bardarson Hlynur, Bolstad Geir H., Bradbury Ian, Buoro Mathieu, Chaput Gerald, Dauphin Guillaume, Ensing Dennis, Erkinaro Jaakko, Fiske Peter, Freese Marko, Gillson Jonathan, Gregory Stephen, Hanson Nora, Kelly Nick, Maxwell Hugo, Meerburg David, Millane Michael, Nygaard Rasmus, Olmos Maxime, Ounsley James, Prusov Sergey, Rivot Etienne, Robertson Martha, Russel Ian, Sheehan Tim, Utne Kjell Rong, Walker Alan, Wennevik Vidar (2019). Working group on North Atlantic salmon (WGNAS). [Research Report] Inconnu. 2019, 368 p

Gregory Stephen, Ibbotson Anton, Riley William, Nevoux Marie, Lauridsen Rasmus, Russell Ian, Britton J Robert, Gillingham Phillipa, Simmons Olivia, Rivot Etienne (2019). Atlantic salmon return rate increases with smolt length. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2019, 76 (6), pp.1702-1712. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsz066⟩

Pinto Cecilia, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Macdonald Jed, Rivot Etienne, Vermard youen (2019). Combining multiple data sets to unravel the spatio-temporal dynamics of a data-limited fish stock.. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2019, 76 (8), pp.1338-1349. ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2018-0149⟩

Gosselin Frédéric, Rivot Etienne, Opitz Thomas, Authier Matthieu, Piffady Jeremy, Godeau Ugoline (2019). Example of difficulties in estimating a hierarchical model as well as solutions: case of a non-linear hierarchical model. Journées du GDR Ecostats, May 2019, Avignon, France. pp.26

Lebot Clément, Arago Marie-Andrée, Beaulaton Laurent, Germis Gaelle, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne (2019). Revisiting conservation limits for Atlantic salmon: a new risk based definition. NASCO Symposium: Managing the Atlantic salmon in a rapidly changing environment. Management Challenges and Possibles Responses, Jun 2019, Tromso, Norway. 2019

Lebot Clément, Arago Marie-Andrée, Beaulaton Laurent, Germis Gaelle, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne (2019). Contribution of catastrophic events to stochasticity of the recruitment process: an application to Atlantic salmon. 14. Colloque de l'Association Française d'Halieutique - Recherche halieutique et développement durable, Jun 2019, Caen, France

Olmos Maxime, Payne Mark, Chaput Gerald, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2019). Investigating the drivers of Atlantic salmon populations decline at the North Atlantic basin scale through a Bayesian life cycle modelling approach. NASCO Symposium: Managing the Atlantic salmon in a rapidly changing environment. Management Challenges and Possibles Responses, Jun 2019, Tromso, Norway. 2019

Prévost Etienne, Lebot Clément, Arago Marie-Andrée, Beaulaton Laurent, Germis Gaelle, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2019). Nouvelles limites de conservation pour la gestion du saumon en Bretagne. Projet RENOSAUM. Journée du pôle R&D pour la gestion des migrateurs amphihalins dans leur environnement, Jun 2019, Paris, France

Rivot Etienne, Olmos Maxime, Chaput Gerald, Prévost Etienne (2019). A hierarchical life cycle model for Atlantic salmon stock assessment at the North Atlantic basin scale. [Research Report] CES WGNAS Working Paper 2019/26, Agrocampus Ouest. 2019, 83 p

Tréhin Cécile, Rivot Etienne, Evanno Guillaume, Lamireau Ludivine, Nevoux Marie (2019). Long-term changes in marine growth and relationships with life history strategies in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. NOWPAS International Workshop of Phd and Post-doctoral fellows on Anadromous Salmonids, 2019, Rowardennan, United Kingdom

Randon Marine, Réveillac Elodie, Rivot Etienne, Du Pontavice Hubert, Le Pape Olivier (2018). Could we consider a single stock when spatial sub-units present lasting patterns in growth and asynchrony in cohort densities? A flatfish case study. Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2018, 142, pp.91 - 100. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2018.09.012⟩

Peck Myron A., Arvanitidis Christos, Butenschön Momme, Canu Donata Melaku, Chatzinikolaou Eva, Cucco Andrea, Domenici Paolo, Fernandes Jose A., Gasche Loïc, Huebert Klaus B., Hufnagl Marc, Jones Miranda C., Kempf Alexander, Keyl Friedemann, Maar Marie, Mahevas Stéphanie, Marchal Paul, Nicolas Delphine, Pinnegar John K., Rivot Etienne, Rochette Sébastien, Sell Anne F., Sinerchia Matteo, Solidoro Cosimo, Somerfield Paul J., Teal Lorna R., Travers-Trolet Morgan, Wolfshaar Karen E. (2018). Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: A critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project VECTORS. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2018, 201, pp.40-55. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.019⟩

Archambault B., Rivot Etienne, Savina M., Le Pape Olivier (2018). Using a spatially structured life cycle model to assess the influence of multiple stressors on an exploited coastal-nursery-dependent population. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier, 2018, 201, pp.95-104. ⟨10.1016/j.ecss.2015.12.009⟩

Lebot Clément, Arago Marie-Andrée, Beaulaton Laurent, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne (2018). Revisiting conservation limits for Atlantic salmon: a new risk based definition. International Conference on Ecological Sciences (Sfécologie 2018), Oct 2018, Rennes, France

Olmos Maxime, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gérald, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2018). A Bayesian hierarchical model to unravel the spatial covariations in the response of Atlantic salmon populations to climate change in the North Atlantic Ocean. International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC 2018), Jul 2018, St Andrews, United Kingdom. 328 p

Crozier Walter, Whelan Ken, Buoro Mathieu, Chaput Gérald, Daniels Jason, Grant Sue, Hyatt Kim, Irvine James, Ó'Maoiléidigh Niall, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne, Russell Ian, Schmidt Michael, Wells Brian (2018). Atlantic salmon mortality at sea: Developing an evidence-based "Likely Suspects" Framework. 2018, 72 p

Lecomte Jean-Baptiste, Baillif Hélène, Vermard youen, Hunter Ewan, Nevoux Marie, Reveillac Elodie, Le Pape Olivier, Rivot Etienne (2018). Investigating the dynamics of a partially migratory fish population. SFE² International Conference on Ecological Sciences, 2018, Rennes, France

yakoubi Warif, Buffin Eulalie, Cladiere Damien, Gryaznova yulia, Berenguer Inés, Touati Sandra, Gómez Rocío, Suja José, van Deursen Jan, Wassmann Katja (2017). Mps1 kinase-dependent Sgo2 centromere localisation mediates cohesin protection in mouse oocyte meiosis I. Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 2017, 8 (1), pp.694. ⟨10.1038/s41467-017-00774-3⟩

Alemany J., Rivot Etienne, Foucher E., Vigneau J., Robin J. P. (2017). A Bayesian two-stage biomass model for stock assessment of data-limited species: An application to cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) in the English Channel. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2017, 191, pp.131-143. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2017.03.010⟩

Bret Victor, Capra H., Gouraud Véronique, Lamouroux Nicolas, Piffady Jeremy, Tissot Laurence, Rivot Etienne (2017). Understanding inter-reach variation in brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) mortality rates using a hierarchical Bayesian state-space model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2017, 74 (10), pp.1612 - 1627. ⟨10.1139/cjfas-2016-0240⟩

Bal Guillaume, Montorio Lucie, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Nevoux Marie (2017). Evidence for long-term change in length, mass and migration phenology of anadromous spawners in French Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology, Wiley, 2017, 90 (6), pp.2375-2393. ⟨10.1111/jfb.13314⟩

Olmos Maxime, Massiot-Granier Félix, Chaput Gérald, Prévost Etienne, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2017). Une réponse commune des populations de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) aux changements globaux : une approche de modélisation hiérarchique bayésienne du cycle de vie. Colloque Pêches et Changements Globaux, Association Française d'Halieutique (AFH). FRA., Jun 2017, Nantes, France. pp.1

Gloaguen Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Mahevas Stéphanie, Vermard youen, Rivot Etienne (2016). Is speed through water a better proxy for fishing activities than speed over ground?. Aquatic Living Resources, EDP Sciences, 2016, 29 (2), pp.1-8. ⟨10.1051/alr/2016023⟩

Archambault Benoit, Le Pape Olivier, Baulier Loic, Vermard youen, Véron Matthieu, Rivot Etienne (2016). Adult-mediated connectivity affects inferences on population dynamics and stock assessment of nursery-dependent fish populations. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2016, 181, pp.198-213. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2016.03.023⟩

Gosselin Frédéric, Rivot Etienne, Parent Eric, Piffady Jeremy, Bouget Christophe, van Looy K., Princé Karine, Gimenez Olivier (2016). Hierarchical statistical models in ecology: proposals for a working group within Ecostat. Séminaire Ecostats "difficultés en modèles hiérarchiques", Nov 2016, Montpellier, France. pp.36

Gosselin Frédéric, Rivot Etienne, Parent Eric, Piffady Jeremy, Bouget Christophe, van Looy K., Princé Karine, Gimenez Olivier (2016). Hierarchical statistical models in ecology: proposals for a working group within Ecostat. Journées du GDR Ecostats, May 2016, Montpellier, France. pp.17

Bret Victor, Capra H., Gouraud Véronique, Lamouroux Nicolas, Piffady Jeremy, Tissot Laurence, Rivot Etienne (2016). Hierarchical bayesian modeling of brown trout population dynamics. 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Feb 2016, Melbourne, Australia

Massiot-Granier Félix, Bret Victor, Olmos Maxime, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gerald, Rivot Etienne (2016). Meta-analysis of freshwater productivity: a contribution to the modeling of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population dynamics at the scale of stock complexes. ICES Annual Science Conference, 2016, NA, France

Olmos Maxime, Massiot-Granier Félix, Chaput Gérald, Nevoux Marie, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2016). A bayesian hierarchical modelling approach to unravel large scale patterns of decline in the marine productivity of A. salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean. International Statistical Ecology Conference, Jun 2016, Seattle, United States. 2016

Olmos Maxime, Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Nevoux Marie, Chaput Gerald, Rivot Etienne (2016). A Bayesian life cycle model to unravel changes in the marine productivity of Atlantic salmon population in the North Atlantic Ocean. ICES Annual Science Conference, 2016, Riga, Latvia

Gloaguen P., Mahévas S., Rivot E., Woillez M., Guitton J., Vermard Y., Etienne M. (2015). An autoregressive model to describe fishing vessel movement and activity. Environmetrics, 2015, 26 (1), pp.17-28. ⟨10.1002/env.2319⟩

Dortel Emmanuelle, Sardenne Fany, Bousquet Nicolas, Rivot Etienne, Million J., Le Croizier Gaël, Chassot Emmanuel (2015). An integrated Bayesian modeling approach for the growth of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2015, 163 (SI), pp.69-84. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2014.07.006⟩

Gloaguen Pauline, Mahévas Stéphanie, Rivot Etienne, Woillez Matthieu, Guitton Jérôme, Vermard youen, Etienne Marie-Pierre (2015). An autoregressive model to describe fishing vessel movement and activity.. Environmetrics, Wiley, 2015, 26 (1), pp.17-28

Prévost Etienne, Guillard Jean, Nevoux Marie, Rivot Etienne (2015). De l'analyse des processus aux applications ressources halieutiques. Séminaire de Réflexion-prospective. Préparation SSD EFPA. Défi 2 : Caractériser et optimiser les services écosystémiques, May 2015, Bordeaux, France

Trenkel Verena, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2015). La prédiction en écologie statistique. Journées du GDR Ecologie Statistique EcoStat, Mar 2015, Lyon, France. 9 diapos

Olmos Maxime, Massiot-Granier Félix, Chaput Gérald, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2015). Analyser le fonctionnement des multiples populations pour mettre en évidence les empreintes des changements écosystémiques. 12. Colloque Scientifique de l'AFH "Les écosystèmes marins dans tous leurs états", Association Française d'Halieutique (AFH). FRA., Jun 2015, Montpellier, France. 25 diapos

Mahevas Stéphanie, Bez Nicolas, Bertrand Sophie, Capello Manuela, Delattre Maud, Pontual De Hélène, Dragon Anne-Cécile, Drouineau Hilaire, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Fablet Ronan, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Gloaguen Pierre, Joo Rocio, Marzuki Marza Ihsan, Maufroy Alexandra, Monestiez Pascal, Nerini David, Rivot Etienne, Thiebault Andréa, Vermard youen, Walker Emily, Woillez Matthieu (2014). Validation data: keystone to move state-space models for movements to operational models for fisheries and marine ecology. ISEC'2014 : International Statistical Ecology Conference, Jul 2014, Montpellier, France

Archambault Benoit, Le Pape Olivier, Bousquet Nicolas, Rivot Etienne (2014). Density-dependence can be revealed by modelling the variance in the stock-recruitment process: an application to flatfish. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2014, 71 (8), pp.2127-2140. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fst203⟩

Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gerald, Potter Ted, Smith Gordon, White Jonathan, Mäntyniemi Samu, Rivot Etienne (2014). Embedding stock assessment within an integrated hierarchical Bayesian life cycle modelling framework : an application to Atlantic salmon in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2014, 71 (7), pp.1653-1670. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fst240⟩

Rivot Etienne, Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, White J., Chaput G., Romakkaniemi A., Pulkinnen H., Pakkarinen T., Mäntyniemi Samu (2014). Mieux comprendre la dynamique des populations sauvages de saumon atlantique pour optimiser leur gestion. L'apport des modèles hiérarchiques Bayésiens. 2014, 20 p

Bal Guillaume, Rivot Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc, White Jonathan, Prévost Etienne (2014). A hierarchical bayesian model to quantify uncertainty of stream water temperature forecasts. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2014, 9 (12), pp.e115659. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0115659⟩

Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput G., White J., Smith Gordon, Potter Ted, Rivot Etienne (2014). A bayesian hierarchical modelling approach to unravel the demographic response of Atlantic salmon populations to multiple stressors. 144. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Aug 2014, Quebec, Canada. 616 p., 2014, Abstracts book

Rivot Etienne, Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput G., Potter T., Smith G., White J., Mantinyemi S., Pulkkinen H., Pakarinen T., Romakkaniemi A. (2014). Embedding Atlantic salmon population dynamics and stock assessment within a hierarchical bayesian integrated life cycle modelling framework. Ecological Basis of Risk Analysis for Marine Ecosystems, Jun 2014, Porvoo, Finland. 52 p

Dortel Emmanuelle, Massiot-Granier F., Rivot Etienne, Million J., Hallier Jean-Pierre, Morize Eric, Munaron Jean-Marie, Bousquet N., Chassot Emmanuel (2013). Accounting for age uncertainty in growth modeling, the case study of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) of the Indian Ocean. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2013, 8 (4), pp.e60886. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0060886⟩

Rochette Sébastien, Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2013). A hierarchical Bayesian model for embedding larval drift and habitat models in integrated life cycles for exploited fish. Ecological Applications, Ecological Society of America, 2013, 23 (7), pp.1659-1676. ⟨10.1890/12-0336.1⟩

Rivot Etienne, Massiot-Granier Félix, Archambault Benoit, Rochette Sébastien, Prévost Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2013). Les modèles hiérarchiques : un outil pour gérer les emboitements d'échelles dans la modélisation intégrée des cycles de vie. 11. Forum Halieutique. Exploitation et conservationdes écosystèmes aquatiques : une question d'échelles ?, Association Française d'Halieutique (AFH). FRA., Jun 2013, Bordeaux, France. 12 diapos

Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput G., Smith G., White J., Potter T., Rivot Etienne (2013). Réponse démographique des populations de saumon atlantique à de multiples facteurs de pression : une approche par modélisation hiérarchique Bayésienne à l'échelle de son aire de distribution. 11. Forum Halieutique. Exploitation et conservationdes écosystèmes aquatiques : une question d'échelles ?, Association Française d'Halieutique (AFH). FRA., Jun 2013, Bordeaux, France. 12 diapos

Rivot Etienne, Massiot-Granier Félix, Archambault Benoit, Rochette Sébastien, Prévost Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2013). Hierarchical bayesian models : a framework for addressing issues of nested scales in ntegrated life cycle models for exploited fish populations. ICES Annual Science Conference, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). DNK., Sep 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland. 1 p

Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gerald, Smith Gordon, White Jonathan, Potter Ted, Rivot Etienne (2013). Demographic response of Atlantic salmon populations to multiple stressors : a Bayesian hierarchical modelling approach at broad ocean scale. ICES Annual Science Conference, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). DNK., Sep 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland. 1 p

, Gascuel Didier, Rivot Etienne (2013). Assessing stocks in data-poor African fisheries: a case study on the white grouper [i]Epinephelus aeneus[/i] of Mauritania. African Journal of Marine Science, NISC, 2013, 35 (2), pp.253-267. ⟨10.2989/1814232x.2013.798244⟩

Rougier Thibault, Lambert Patrick, Drouineau Hilaire, Girardin Michel, Castelnaud Gérard, Carry L., Aprahamian M.W., Rivot Etienne, Rochard Eric (2012). Collapse of allis shad, Alosa alosa, in the Gironde system (southwest France): environmental change, fishing mortality, or Allee effect?. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2012, 69 (69), pp.1802-1811. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fss149⟩

Rochette S., Huret M., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Coupling hydrodynamic and individual-based models to simulate long-term larval supply to costal nursery areas. Fisheries Oceanography, Wiley, 2012, 21 (4), pp.229-242. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2419.2012.00621.x⟩

Parent E., Rivot Etienne (2012). Introduction to Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling for Ecological Data. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Col. Applied Environmental Statistics. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Col. Applied Environmental Statistics, 427 p., 2012

Ono K., Punt Ae., Rivot Etienne (2012). Model performance analysis for Bayesian biomass dynamics models using bias, precision and reliability metrics. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2012, 125-126 (125-126), pp.173-183. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2012.02.022⟩

Massiot-Granier Félix, Prévost Etienne, Chaput Gerald, Potter Ted, Smith Gordon, Romakkaniemi Atso, Rivot Etienne (2012). Bayesian modeling of the dynamics of complex of salmon populations in the North Atlantic. International Statistical Ecology Conference, Jul 2012, Krokkleiva, Norway

Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Consequences of human disturbances on the common sole population - Final report of EU program Interreg 4A Charm 3, Action 11.1. 2012, 5 p

Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Consequences of human disturbances on sole population in the Eastern Channel.. Public meeting of the Charm3 UE program Interreg, Jul 2012, Boulogne sur mer (FR), France

Massiot-Granier F., Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Chaput G., Potter T., Smith G., White J. (2012). Bayesian modelling of the dynamics of complex of salmon populations in the North Atlantic. International Statistical Ecology Conference ISEC 2012, Jul 2012, Krokkleiva (NO), Norway

Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2012). Conséquences des perturbations anthropiques sur la population de sole (Solea solea) - Rapport final du proramme européen Interreg 4A Charm 3, Action 11.1. 2012, 6 p

Boulenger C., Rivot Etienne, Cunjack R., Roussel Jean-Marc (2011). Variabilite spatio-temporelle des abondances de juveniles de saumon atlantique dans un cours d'eau Canadien. 10eme forum halieumetrique "Changement environnementaux et dynamiques halieutiques", May 2011, Boulogne-sur-mer (FR), France

Acou A., Rivot Etienne, van Gils J.A., Legault A., ysnel F., Feunteun E. (2011). Habitat carrying capacity is reached for the European eel in a small coastal catchment: evidence and implications for managing eel stocks. Freshwater Biology, Wiley, 2011, 56 (5), pp.952-968. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02540.x⟩

Massiot Félix, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Chaput G., Smith G., White J., Potter T. (2011). Réponse démographique des populations de Saumon atlantique au changement global : une approche par modélisation hiérarchique Bayésienne à l'échelle de son aire de distribution. 10. Forum halieumétrique, Jun 2011, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. 1 p

Bal Guillaume, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Piou Cyril, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2011). Effect of water temperature and density of juvenile salmonids on growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology, Wiley, 2011, 78 (4), pp.1002-1022. ⟨10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.02902.x⟩

Bal Guillaume, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2011). Tendances à long terme dans les caractéristiques biométriques et la phénologie des migrations des populations françaises de Saumon atlantique. 10. Forum Halieumétrique, Jun 2011, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. 1 p

Rochette S., Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2011). Une approche bayesienne pour integrer la derive larvaire dans un modele de cycle de vie spatialement explicite. 10eme forum halieumetrique "Changement environnementaux et dynamiques halieutiques", May 2011, Boulogne-sur-mer (FR), France

Rochette S., Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2011). A Bayesian state-space model to merge larval drifting and habitat suitability models with spatially ? explicit age-structured fish population dynamics model. 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, May 2011, Riva del Gardia (IT), Italy

Archambault B., Rochette S., Le Pape Olivier, Vigneau J., Rivot Etienne (2011). A Bayesian state-space model to merge larval drifting and habitat suitability models with spatially ? explicit age-structured fish population dynamics model. 8th International Flatfish Symposium, Nov 2011, Ijmuiden (NL), Netherlands

Baulier L., Rochette S., Huret M., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2011). A biophysical model to analyse the influence of larval supply on fish recruitment: application to a coastal and estuarine nursery dependent flatfish population. 2011, non paginé

Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier (2011). Consequences of anthropic disturbances on population of sole in the Eastern Channel. Presentation publique des projets Interreg IVa CRESH et CHARM, Jan 2011, Greenwich (EU), United States

Gascuel Didier, Bez Nicolas, Forest André, Guillotreau Patrice, Laloe Francis, Lobry Jérémy, Mahevas Stéphanie, Mesnil Benoit, Rivot Etienne, Rochette Sébastien, Trenkel Verena (2011). A future for marine fisheries in Europe (Manifesto of the Association Francaise d'Halieumetrie). Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2011, 109 (1), pp.6. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2011.02.002⟩

Gascuel Didier, Bez N., Guillotreau P., Laloe F., Lobry Jérémy, Mahevas S., Mesnil B., Rivot Etienne, Rochette S., Trenkel V. (2011). Un avenir pour les pêches maritimes en Europe. 2011, 10 p

Fabre F., Dedryver C.A., Plantegenest Manuel, Hulle M., Rivot Etienne (2010). Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of plant colonisation by winged aphids: Inferring dispersal processes by linking aerial and field count data. Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 2010, 221 (15), pp.1770-1778. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.04.006⟩

Dedryver Charles-Antoine, Hullé Maurice, Rivot Etienne, Plantegenest Manuel, Fabre Frédéric (2010). Prévoir les pucerons : un modèle et des pièges. Phytoma la Défense des Végétaux, Ruralia/Le Carrousel, 2010, 638, pp.50-54

Rochette S., Rivot Etienne, Morin J., Mackinson S., Riou P., Le Pape Olivier (2010). Effect of nursery habitat degradation on flatfish population: Application to Solea solea in the Eastern Channel (Western Europe). Journal of Sea Research (JSR), Elsevier, 2010, 64 (1-2), pp.34-44. ⟨10.1016/j.seares.2009.08.003⟩

Bonhommeau Sylvain, Castonguay Martin, Rivot Etienne, Sabatié Richard, Le Pape Olivier (2010). The duration of migration of Atlantic Anguilla larvae. Fish and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 11 (3), pp.289-306. ⟨10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00362.x⟩

Robert Marianne, Faraj Abdelmalek, Mcallister Murdoc, Rivot Etienne (2010). Bayesian state-space modelling of the De Lury depletion model: strengths and limitations of the method, and application to the Moroccan octopus fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2010, 67 (6), pp.1272-1290. ⟨10.1093/icesjms/fsq020⟩

Parent Éric, Bel Liliane, Etienne Marie-Pierre, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne (2010). Enseigner la statistique bayésienne en sciences de l'environnement. 2. Colloque francophone international sur l'enseignement de la statistique CFIES'2010, Sep 2010, Bruxelles, Belgique. 1 p

Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Parent Éric (2010). Modélisation bayesienne hiérarchique pour l'écologie statistique. Enjeux et applications. Colloque Ecologie 2010, Sep 2010, Montpellier, France. n.p

Mraidi Ramzi, Motisi Natacha, Montfort Francoise, Rivot Etienne, Poggi Sylvain (2010). Contribution, par une approche bayésienne, à l’étude de l’effet de la biofumigation sur une épidémie de Rhizoctone brun. 3ème Conférence Internationale de la Société Francophone de Biologie Théorique, Jun 2010, Tunis, Tunisie

Vermard y., Rivot Etienne, Mahevas S., Marchal P., Gascuel Didier (2010). Identifying fishing trip behaviour and estimating fishing effort from VMS data using Bayesian Hidden Markov Models. Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 2010, 221 (15), pp.1757-1769. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.04.005⟩

Bonhommeau Sylvain, Blanke Bruno, Tréguier Anne-Marie, Grima Nicolas, Rivot Etienne, Vermard youen, Greiner Eric, Le Pape Olivier (2009). How fast can the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae cross the Atlantic Ocean?. Fisheries Oceanography, Wiley, 2009, 18 (6), pp.371-385. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2419.2009.00517.x⟩

Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne (2009). Aide à la décision pour la régulation de l'exploitation des populations naturelles de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar). Concevoir et construire la décision. Démarches en agriculture, agroalimentaire et espace rural, Editions Quae, 2009, Update Sciences and Technologies, 978-2-7592-0365-9

Bal Guillaume, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2009). Bayesian statistical modelling for analyzing and predicting the evolution of small coastal streams water temperatures. Nordic Workshop for PhD students on anadromous salmonids, Mar 2009, Southampton, United Kingdom. 55 p

Bonhommeau S., Le Pape Olivier, Gascuel Didier, Blanke B., Tréguier Anne-Marie, Grima N., Vermard y., Castonguay M., Rivot Etienne (2009). Estimates of the mortality and the duration of the trans-Atlantic migration of European eel Anguilla anguilla leptocephali using a particle tracking model.. Journal of Fish Biology, Wiley, 2009, 74 (9), pp.1891-1914. ⟨10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02298.x⟩

Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Cuzol Anne, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Parent Éric (2008). Hierarchical Bayesian modelling with habitat and time covariates for estimating riverine fish population size by successive removal method. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, NRC Research Press, 2008, 65 (1), pp.117-133. ⟨10.1139/F07-153⟩

Bonhommeau Sylvain, Chassot Emmanuel, Planque Benjamin, Rivot Etienne, Knap Anthony, Le Pape Olivier (2008). Impact of climate on eel populations of the Northern Hemisphere. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter Research, 2008, 373, pp.71-80. ⟨10.3354/meps07696⟩

Bonhommeau Sylvain, Chassot Emmanuel, Rivot Etienne (2008). Fluctuations in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) recruitment resulting from environmental changes in the Sargasso Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, Wiley, 2008, 17 (1), pp.32-44. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-2419.2007.00453.x⟩

Parent Eric, Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne (2008). Ecological issues and hierarchical bayesian modelling techniques : case studies from fisheries ecology. 24. International biometric conference, Jul 2008, Dublin, Ireland. 1 p

Chaput Gerald, Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne, Smith Gordon (2008). Modeling dynamics of Atlantic salmon in the NAC and NEAC areas. 2008

Askey P.J., Post J.R., Parkinson E.A., Rivot Etienne, Paul A.J., Biro P.A. (2007). Estimation of gillnet efficiency and selectivity across multiple sampling units: A hierarchical Bayesian analysis using mark-recapture data. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2007, 83 (2-3), pp.162-174. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2006.09.009⟩

Rivot Etienne, Perrier Charles, Jouanin C., Roussel Jean-Marc, Riera P., Porcher J.P., Baglinière Jean-Luc (2007). Climate change may have affected growth and life history of Atlantic salmon juveniles over the last 30 years. International Symposium on Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment Location, Jul 2007, Halifax, Canada

Rivot Etienne, Perrier Charles, Roussel Jean-Marc, Porcher Jean-Pierre, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2007). Le changement climatique et les pressions anthropiques affectent-ils la croissance et l'histoire de vie des juvéniles de saumons atlantiques?. 8. Forum halieumétrique. Changements réversibles et irréversibles dans les ressources et leurs usages, Jun 2007, La Rochelle, France. pp.Inconnue

Prévost Etienne, Rivot Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Parent Éric (2007). Modélisation statistique pour la gestion des populations de saumon atlantique. 7. rencontres Math-Industrie, Mar 2007, Paris, France. 1 p

Rivot Etienne, Perrier Charles, Jouanin Celine, Roussel Jean-Marc, Riera Pascal, Porcher Jean-Pierre, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2007). Climate change may have affected growth and life history in atlantic salmon juveniles over the past 30 years. International Symposium on Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment Location, American Fisheries Society (AFS). USA., Jul 2007, Halifax, Canada

Bonhommeau Sylvain, Chassot Emmanuel, Rivot Etienne, Le Pape Olivier, Knap Tony (2007). Impact du changement climatique sur les populations d'anguilles. 8. Forum halieumétrique. Changements réversibles et irréversibles dans les ressources et leurs usages, Jun 2007, La Rochelle, France. pp.Inconnue

Rifflart Renaud, Marchand Frédéric, Rivot Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2006). Scale reading validation for estimating age from tagged fish recapture in a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population. Fisheries Research, Elsevier, 2006, 78 (2-3), pp.380-384. ⟨10.1016/j.fishres.2005.11.018⟩

Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Porcher J.P., Baglinière Jean-Luc (2006). A dynamic metapopulation model for the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Consequences for management.. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, Station Biologique, 2006, 47 (1), pp.113-114

Vialatte Aude, Rivot Etienne, Fabre Frédéric, Simon Jean-Christophe, Dedryver Charles-Antoine, Plantegenest Manuel (2005). Dynamics of plant use of a pest insect in an agricultural landscape studied using isotopic and molecular analyses. ESA-INTECOL 2005 JOINT MEETING :Ecology at multiple scales/Ecologie : une question d'échelles, Aug 2005, Montréal, Canada. pp.Inconnu

Rivot Etienne, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Prévost Etienne, Parent Etienne, Porcher Jean-Pierre, Dumas Jacques (2005). A theoretical decision analysis framework to help managing atlantic atlantic salmon fisheries. DiadFish : les poissons migrateurs amphihalins d'Europe, Mar 2005, Bordeaux, France. p.84

Acou Anthony, Lafaille Pascal, Rivot Etienne, Feunteun Eric (2005). Modelling the spatiotemporal variations of eels abundance in small catchements : interest for eel stock assessment.. Diad Fish : les poissons migrateurs amphialins d'Europe, Mar 2005, Bordeaux, France. p.99

Rivot Etienne (2005). Application des modèles graphiques bayesiens à la modélisation, l'inférence et la prédiction en écologie appliquée. Journées Statistiques et Application en Biologie, Sep 2005, Rennes, France. pp.Inconnue

Rivot Etienne (2005). A bayesian state-space modelling framework for ecological inferences and predictions. Highlands RSS group meeting, May 2005, St Andrews, United Kingdom. pp.Inconnue

Beall Edward, Gaudin Philippe, Baglinière Jean-Luc, Castège I., de Gaudemar B., Denais L., Dumas Jacques, Glise Stéphane, Marchand Frédéric, Rivot Etienne (2004). Modification des caractéristiques biologiques et évolution des stratégies d'histoire de vie du saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar) : relations avec les changements climatiques. Journées MICCES, Jan 2004, L'Isle sur le Sorgue, France. pp.Inconnue

Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Porcher Jean-Pierre, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2004). Dynamique d'une méta-population de saumon atlantique - Exemple de la population du réseau Sée-Sélune. Colloque Zones AteliersPEVS/INSU - Baie du Mont St Michel. Fonctionnement écologique des vasières littorales et sociétés humaines., Nov 2004, La Rochelle, France. pp.Inconnu

Rivot Etienne, Prévost Etienne, Parent Eric, Baglinière Jean-Luc (2004). A Bayesian state-space modelling framework for fitting a salmon stage-structured population dynamic model to multiple time series of field data. Ecological Modelling, Elsevier, 2004, 179, pp.463-485

Rivot Etienne (2004). Apport du cadre statistique bayesien pour la modélisation de la dynamique des populations. Application au saumon atlantique (Salmo salar). 2. La Truite dans tous ses Habitats, Jan 2004, Saint Flour, France. pp.Inconnu

Rivot Etienne (2004). Modélisation de la dynamique des populations de saumon atlantique dans le réseau Sée-Sélune. Assemblée Générale de la Société Française d'Ecologie, Jun 2004, Rennes, France. pp.Inconnue

Rivot Etienne (2004). Apport du cadre statistique Bayesien pour la dynamique de populations. Application au saumon atlantique.. Séminaire de statistiques, Nov 2004, Montpellier, France. pp.Inconnue

Saglio Philippe, Bretaud Sandrine, Rivot Etienne, Olsén K.H. (2003). Chemobehavioral changes induced by short-term exposures to prochloraz, nicosulfuron, and carbofuran in goldfish. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Springer Verlag, 2003, 45 (4), pp.515-524. ⟨10.1007/s00244-003-2223-6⟩